“Grief is in two parts. The first is loss. The second is the remaking of life.” - Anne Roiphe

  • Loss

    Every loss is different and not all losses are related to death. The loss of a dream for your future can be just as devastating. A new diagnosis, a new role as caregiver, or the loss of a job are just some examples.

  • Death & Dying

    Death is a natural part of life, however we spend much time and energy trying to avoid it (for obvious reasons). A new terminal diagnosis or the death of someone you care about can cause you to consider your own mortality while also trying to cope.

  • Tough Days

    Whether a loss was one day, one month, one year or more ago, there will be tough days. Accepting that some days will be harder than others and learning to give yourself grace is important. Grief does not have a timeline.

  • Child Loss

    The loss of a child, regardless of their age, is life shattering. The loss of a child is outside the natural order of life - and often times leaves more questions than answers. Finding support is essential to getting through the difficult days and finding meaningful ways to carry on.